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STOP hommes battus 06 81 92 14 58

Derniere etude anglaise femme hommes 2019


Derniere etude anglaise femme hommes 2019
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Domestic abuse prevalence and victim characteristics, England and Wales: year ending March 2019 - Appendix tables
These data tables are published alongside the articles 'Domestic abuse prevalence and trends, England and Wales: year ending March 2019' and 'Domestic abuse victim characteristics, England and Wales: year ending March 2019'.
The data contained in this file comprise:  
Crime Survey for England and Wales: Table 1a: Prevalence of domestic abuse among adults aged 16 to 74, by type, year ending March 2019 CSEW
  Table 1b: Prevalence of domestic abuse among adults aged 16 to 59, by type, year ending March 2019 CSEW
  Table 2a: Estimated numbers of victims of domestic abuse aged 16 to 74, by type, year ending March 2019 CSEW
  Table 2b: Estimated numbers of victims of domestic abuse aged 16 to 59, by type, year ending March 2019 CSEW
  Table 3a: Prevalence of domestic abuse in the last year among adults aged 16 to 74, by type and sex, year ending March 2018 to year ending March 2019 CSEW
  Table 3b: Prevalence of domestic abuse in the last year among adults aged 16 to 59, by type and sex, year ending March 2005 to year ending March 2019 CSEW
  Table 4a: Prevalence of domestic abuse in the last year among adults aged 16 to 74, by type, year ending March 2018 to year ending March 2019 CSEW
  Table 4b: Prevalence of domestic abuse in the last year among adults aged 16 to 59, by type, year ending March 2005 to year ending March 2019 CSEW
  Table 5a: Estimated number of victims of domestic abuse in the last year among adults aged 16 to 74, by sex and type, year ending March 2018 and year ending March 2019 CSEW
  Table 5b: Estimated number of victims of domestic abuse in the last year among adults aged 16 to 59, by sex and type, year ending March 2005 to year ending March 2019 CSEW
  Table 6a: Prevalence of domestic abuse in the last year among adults aged 16 to 74, by personal characteristics and sex, year ending March 2019 CSEW
  Table 6b: Prevalence of domestic abuse in the last year among adults aged 16 to 59, by personal characteristics and sex, year ending March 2019 CSEW
  Table 7a: Prevalence of domestic abuse in the last year among adults aged 16 to 74, by household and area characteristics and sex, year ending March 2019 CSEW
  Table 7b: Prevalence of domestic abuse in the last year among adults aged 16 to 59, by household and area characteristics and sex, year ending March 2019 CSEW
  Table 8: How many types and which types of abuse victims of domestic abuse suffered in the last year, by sex, adults aged 16 to 59, year ending March 2017 to year ending March 2019 CSEW
Police recorded crime data: Table 9: Number of domestic abuse-related crimes recorded by the police and percentage of offences that were domestic abuse-related, by police force area, English regions and Wales, year ending March 2016 to year ending March 2019
  Table 10: Number of domestic abuse-related incidents recorded by the police, by police force area, English regions and Wales, year ending March 2016 to year ending March 2019
  Table 11: Number of domestic abuse-related violence against the person offences recorded by the police and percentage of violence against the person offences that were domestic abuse-related, by police force area, English regions and Wales, year ending March 2016 to year ending March 2019
  Table 12: Rate of domestic abuse-related crimes recorded by the police, by police force area, English regions and Wales, year ending March 2019
  Table 13a: Number of offences recorded by the police in England and Wales which were flagged as domestic abuse-related, selected offence groups, year ending March 2019
  Table 13b: Proportion of offences recorded by the police in England and Wales which were flagged as domestic abuse-related, selected offence groups, year ending March 2019
  Table 14a: Number of offences recorded by the police in England and Wales which were flagged as domestic abuse-related, by selected offences, year ending March 2019
  Table 14b: Proportion of offences recorded by the police in England and Wales which were flagged as domestic abuse-related, by selected offences, year ending March 2019
  Table 15: Proportion of domestic abuse-related crimes recorded by the police in England and Wales by sex of victim, selected offence groups, year ending March 2019
  Table 16: Number of rape and sexual assault offences recorded by the police in England and Wales by sex of victim, and whether they were flagged as domestic abuse-related, year ending March 2019
  Table 17: Number of domestic abuse-related stalking and harassment offences recorded by the police, by offence, year ending March 2019
  Table 18: Number of domestic abuse-related stalking and harassment offences recorded by the police, by police force area, English regions and Wales, year ending March 2019
  Table 19: Number of coercive control offences recorded by the police, by police force area, year ending March 2019
Police recorded crime - Homicide Index data: Table 20: Offences currently recorded as homicide by police force area, English regions and Wales, by whether domestic homicide and sex, combined data year ending March 2016 to year ending March 2018
  Table 21: Characteristics of domestic and other homicides for victims aged 16 years and over, combined data for year ending March 2016 to year ending March 2018
Table 22: Relationship of victim to suspect in domestic homicides, by type of relationship and sex, combined data for year ending March 2016 to year ending March 2018
  Table 23: Domestic homicides, by outcome for principal suspect, combined data for year ending March 2016 to year ending March 2018
For further information about this data or the publication, please email:
or write to: ONS Centre for Crime and Justice, Office for National Statistics, Room 2200, Segensworth Road, Titchfield, PO15 5RR
Statistical contact: Meghan Elkin  
Tel: 020 7592 8695  

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