L'association AUSTRALIENNE Hommes Battus MENSLINE
Talk now via telephone counselling
Please call us on 1300 78 99 78 to talk with a counsellor anywhere, anytime.
Online chat and video counselling
With MensLine Australia’s online counselling, you can access free professional support, no matter where you are in Australia.
Our qualified counsellors specialise in family and relationship issues, including relationship breakdown, separation and divorce, parenting, family violence, suicide prevention and emotional well-being.
Counselling is a conversation between a trained mental health professional and someone who wants to talk about their worries and concerns, and/or work through their mental and social health issues.
All staff managing our telephone or online counselling services are qualified professional counsellors, social workers or psychologists, trained to follow a contextual counselling and problem solving process to listen, understand you, and help you find ways to feel better.
Please note this service is only available to people living in Australia.
Unfortunately, we cannot provide assistance to people outside Australia and we recommend you contact your nearest support service.
To access MensLine Australia online counselling:
- Register your details
- Username must be more than 4 characters
- Username must be unique (not already be used by another user)
- Username must be made up of only valid characters (valid characters are: alphanumeric (abc, 0-9), _, space, ., -, @)
- Passwords should be at least twelve characters long, with upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols like ! ” ? $ % ^ & ) to ensure it is strong and secure.
- Verify your email address
- Login to MensLine Australia online counselling
- Agree to the Terms and Conditions of the service
- Select either online chat or video chat to speak with a professional counsellor
A découvrir aussi
- Des foyers pour hommes battus en Suisse
- "National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey" dernière étude USA - fichier PDF
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